
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are You a Cat Person?

Simon most definitely is!  Enjoy these quick cartoon animations about feline's (and their owners') quirks!
*Content Advisor* squeaky-clean.
(*these youtube videos do have ads at their beginning*) 

I don't know about you- but Simon's cat certainly reminds me of many furry little housemates I've met before!  

And yes- I simply must end every sentence with an exclamation point today!


Friday, August 5, 2011

Do NOT try this at home

Sometimes you've just got to leave things to the *ahem* professionals.

*Content Advisor* non-realistic portrayal of a skeleton. see post title for further warnings... ;-)

After all- they know so much more than us lay people do about things like accident and injury prevention,

how to properly follow directions and handle chemicals,

and how to deal with the occasional ruffian.

So, remember folks~ if in doubt, hire it out!


Uh, well... scratch that idea.


Monday, July 18, 2011

Silly Songs With Anita Renfro...

If you are the parent of a "Veggie-Tales" fan, your brain finished the above statement with: "the part of the day where Anita comes out and sings a silly song".  Gotta love those catch phrases!  

Anita Renfro was doing stand-up when she came up with this first song about moms.  Shortly after, she started doing more funny/ parody songs because of popular demand.  I've posted just a few of her videos here~ so check her out!  

*Content Advisor* squeaky-clean!

Here you go~ "Momisms":

Here is her follow-up hit~ "The Dad Song":

and a beyonce parody:



Monday, June 27, 2011

Bacon Is Good For Me!

A clip from an ABC 'reality' show.
*Content Advisor* mild language. outright disrespect of an authority figure. 

Oh, and I totally agree!  (bacon!)  :D

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Bobbuth Libbeth!

Bill Cosby's rant on dentists, from his stand-up video "Himself"
*Content Advisor* squeaky clean! (although it COULD have an adverse affect on a person's view of dentists ;)  )



If you find dieting as difficult as I do, you may appreciate this bit of 'help' managing your appetite.
*Content Advisor* the visuals and text have a bit of an 'ick' factor